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Discover the Vacuum-CNC system
How do the vacuum pods of the Vacuum-CNC system work? Unlike other brands, our vacuum pods are made up of two parts: base and cup, and a third part can be positioned between the two to vary the height of the vacuum pod:
About Vacuum-CNC
Why are the Vacuum-cnc clamping blocks your best option?
The vacuum pods by Vacuum-CNC offer you a number of advantages that have a direct impact on your production and therefore on your profits:
- Speed of positioning: Vacuum cnc clamping blocks are fast and easy to place on the machine.
- 360º rotation: our vacuum pods are designe with a crown which makes it possible to rotate the cup over the base, giving you more possibilities and comfort.
- Ease of exchange between suction cups of different sizes: Our cups are easy and faste to exchange, which permits the use of different suction areas with the same base. This will not only save you a great amount of time, which consequently will benefit your production.
- Moreover, for accidents of any degree, our suction cups provide faster, more economical and more efficient solutions.
- The clamping of our vacuum cups is tested and is superior to the most representative brands on the market.

Latest News
Vacuum CNC's clamping solutions shine at LIGNA 2023
At Vacuum CNC, we take great pride in being exhibitors at this significant event for the second time, demonstrating our commitment to innovation and growth in the sector.
Vacuum clamping systems for cnc machines
At Vacuum-cnc we specialize in the design and manufacture of vacuum clamping systems for cnc machines, predominantly used in the woodworking industry.
CNC Vacuum pods divided in Base and Cup
The main difference between our brand and others lies in the division of the cnc vacuum pods (also called vacuum pads) in two pieces.